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Meet Our New Guest Food Blogger

Oct 2015

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Hello, my name is Emily Schuermann and I am the food-loving blogger you will find over at Food for a Year. I am an Okie Native, wife and mom (to four; three boys & a girl), with a Masters in Mechanical Engineering who became an unintentional foodie on September 1, 2009. 

On that day, I got a phone call that changed everything. Really, most of the call was a blur – but somehow I understood a recipe I had submitted 6 months earlier had been tested, scrutinized and selected, from among thousands and thousands of entries, to participate in the 44th Pillsbury Bake-Off. At the time, I was 28 months ((okay, maybe it was more like 7 1/2, but really – who’s counting??)) pregnant with our little girl and I felt pretty certain this news would make me pop!

I did not pop, nor did I happen to win the Bake-Off and it’s jaw-dropping million dollar prize – but I did walk away with a gift. I felt validated and inspired – I am a good cook because the dough boy said so!  

Then, three years ago, I found myself doing something else I never expected — building a house. Really, I wasn’t building a house, I was building our home. Early into the process, my hubby and I came to a marriage-saving agreement: he wrote all of the checks and I made all of the decisions – and we lived happily ever after, haha!

I situated walls, assigned outlet positions, designed cabinets, chose lighting, studied paint colors, selected wallpaper and hardware, carpet and tile, countertops and sinks
copper vessel & farmhouse sinks to be exact.


Making the choice to have a copper farmhouse sink felt like a bit of a risk at the time. Would it cost too much, could I keep it pretty and still use it, would I regret choosing it as time passed? Once dropped in – my heart leapt at the sight of it’s rustic beauty. And as the weeks and months passed, I was surprised & relieved with just how easy it was to care for.  


About the time we were getting settled into our new, shiny home I decided it was time to start a new project – a food blog. 

My goal with Food for a Year is to document my recipe successes and even the failures (there is a lot to learn in failing, I think!), all the while encouraging busy folks, like me, to circle up to the dinner table daily, with a simple & tasty home-cooked meal. That “eating as a family everyday” thing can seem overwhelming to many, but with a little planning, a nicely stocked pantry, a vault of family-approved recipes & a few cooking short-cuts it can be done – painlessly and in budget. And oh, how those regular family dinners will pay off! 

One day, probably while staring at my pretty, farmhouse sink it hit me – cooking is a lot like a copper sink. It might be a little scary, especially if you have never done it before, it might seem expensive when you first stock the pantry & you may have some cooking mess-ups ((or, as I like to call them: learning opportunities)). Those similarities brought me here! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share some recipes on the Sinkology blog that reflect my view of a copper sink: simple, timeless, affordable and beautifully rustic.

For questions or more information about Sinkology copper sinks, our Sinkologists are here to help. Contact us or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram for more helpful tips and design ideas.