Organized Home: Easy Tips for Corralling Bathroom Clutter
Sinkology is proud to present Kristan Allen, our design expert and guest blogger who runs the @FarmhouseRedefined Instagram. Kristan is here to share some design ideas and inspiration around designing your home around your copper sink.
Does anyone else go on a cleaning and organizing spree after the new year? Decluttering and organizing is one of those things that I don’t really like while I’m doing it, but I absolutely love it when I’m finished! So I always try to take time during the first few months of the year to re-evaluate the storage systems I have in place in various rooms of my house. Have they made it easy to keep things organized? Are they still working for the amount and type of things I’m trying to keep together?
The master bathroom is the area I struggle with most to keep organized…and I’m not going to lie, the struggle occurs mainly on and around my vanity. Between lotions, make-up and all the other toiletries, the countertop and drawers get cluttered pretty quickly. I decided to take the situation in hand last month and dedicated myself to whipping this area of the house into shape. So here’s the crash course on my journey to bathroom organization…first up, make-up!
Please tell me I’m not the only person who has tons and tons of make-up but only really uses about 2% of it. Anyone else with me? Between free samples and things I buy in gift sets because I think I’m saving money, I have a ton of make-up and skincare products that I rarely – if ever! – use. I stick to the basics when it comes to my daily routine. So why were my drawers and countertops overflowing with bottles and jars that were literally collecting dust? Definitely not a smart use of space. One rule of thumb that makes a ton of sense but that I constantly have to remind myself of? Don’t store stuff that should be tossed!
So I went through and pitched things that I knew I’d never use (even on special occasions) or things that were old. Yes, cosmetics have expiration dates! After I got rid of all the old/unwanted make-up, I organized my everyday essentials in a clear organizer on my countertop. I love this one from Target because it’s got a space for everything and keeps all the essentials within easy reach. I then stashed my other products in baskets in my vanity drawers. Dollar store baskets are my go-to when I’m looking for easy drawer organization. You can get a 3-pack of long, narrow plastic baskets for a buck…perfect for eyeliners, lip glosses, Q-tips and more! I also put things that I only use intermittently (face masks, nail polish, etc.) in these stackable plastic trays. They come in several sizes and you can stack as many as you want, making them great for under-the-sink cabinets!
I also made a few changes to keep my countertop not just clutter-free, but cleaner. I always used to get little rings on my counter thanks to my toothbrush and hand soap. Not a huge deal, but this drove me crazy! So I bought a cute trinket tray and use it almost like a coaster for my soap bottle. It catches any drips and keeps my counter clean. Another amazing invention I found during my hunt for fun bathroom organization products was the Quip toothbrush. Have you guys heard of this? It’s a compact electric toothbrush that you can actually stick to your mirror (or a tile surface)! Keeps your toothbrush off the counter and out of the way of germs that could be flying around your sink. Win-win!
While we’re on the subject of organizing, I want to share a book that’s currently on my nightstand – A Simplified Life by Emily Ley. This is a great resource full of practical tips for simplifying all areas of your life – from your personal finances and closet to mealtime prep. I’m really loving it so far! What are some of your favorite ways to keep your bathroom organized? Are you organizing any other areas of your home during these first few months of the new year? We’d love to see how you’re doing! Tag us on Instagram — @Sinkology and @FarmhouseRedefined. Happy De-Cluttering, Friends!
If you have any additional questions during your quest for bathroom organization or decor, our Sinkologists are here to help. Contact us or follow us on Facebook, Houzz, Pinterest, or Instagram for more helpful tips and design ideas.