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The Homer: Designing with the Sink in Mind

Oct 2015

You get to design a bar space? You lucky dog. Also lucky for you, Sinkology has a dozen bar sink options to choose from. Each sink has a unique finish, shape, and style to help you create a bar that will make you the life of every party. From nickel to aged copper, from square to circle, we’ve got you covered.


So, how do you start to design a bar and prep space? Depending on the space you’re putting this in could dictate your design a bit. But just for fun, let’s say this is a fresh space with limitless possibilities! For this bar space design, we went for sleek, classic, and clean look with the Homer sink. The Homer bar and prep sink is a gorgeous nickel finish. Sinkology nickel sinks offer a durable finish with hand-hammered accents that match virtually any existing room style or interior design.

We’ve designed the Homer at a standard 15″ x 15″ size that allows for super-simple replacement of existing bar sinks. So, if you’re planning this as a DIY project, the size and the drop-in design should make for a fun and easy installation.

Pair the Homer nickel bar sink with this stainless steel single-handle bar faucet  (2) and you’ve got a match made in cocktail heaven.

To offset the bright color of the nickel sink, we chose some darker colors for the bar. Starting with rich, deep mahogany cabinets and a white and black marble granite counter top, were off to a solid and sleek start. With this basic palette, you really can’t go wrong. Adding any flourish of color to the mix and your space will shine. We added a great gray, black, and white rug to play off the colors of the countertop and cabinets. For the paint colors, we chose a bold red, solid gray and a dark gray.

Accent the nickel and stainless faucet with a stainless shaker and a couple classy cocktail guides. This book is Mr. Boston: Official Bartender’s and Party Guide. It’s an extremely affordable and expansive guide that covers the classics through modern favorites. Keep the rest of your space neat, just like your whiskey, with fresh glasses and no extra flourishes. Ditch the neon signs. Welcome to your adult bar.

Our team will be bringing more styles and design inspirations for more of our unique and handmade sinks. For more ideas on how to style your rooms around your nickel or copper sinks, check out our Pinterest page.

If you have any additional questions during your search, our Sinkologists are here to help. Contact us or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram for more helpful tips and design ideas.