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New Year’s Remodel Resolution: Prepare for Purple

Jan 2018

At Sinkology, we love the holidays. And we love making New Years Resolutions. That’s why we’re continuing our New Year’s Remodel Resolution ideas with the close out of 2017 putting an extra special focus on the role color will play in 2018.

Pantone recently announced the selection of their 2018 Color of the year: PANTONE 18-3838. That’s Ultra Violet, to the rest of us. We’ve already heard from some of you that purple is not the most intuitive shade when it comes to the color palette of your home, but that’s what makes this year’s selection so provocative. Ultra Violet is turning up in some of the most innovative home decorating, renovation, and remodeling ideas as an accent AND a primary color.

We get it. Ultra Violet is a bold choice. Whether you’re a design professional, part-time trendsetter or prefer to follow the path set by others, playing with rich and vibrant colors like this can be a challenge. So we’ve come up with a list of ways you can make Ultra Violet a part of your home’s color palette in 2018 that range from the tiniest accents to the kitchen sink. Well, not literally. Follow us down a list of design tips that prepare you for next year’s purple party.

purple interior with sofa

I love your accent! Lets’ start by taking this tall, dark, and handsome shade in a small dose. We’re talking accents. Something as simple as an antique glass door knob to a crate-load of different accessory ideas – candles, pillows, picture frames, lampshades, comforters, and area rugs. Want to get a little more ambitious, introduce a piece of accent furniture. Thinking this shade is looking good on you? Explore the idea of painting an accent wall with Ultra Violet to really start the conversation. Just to tie it back to where we started, Ultra Violet will be an elegant and sparkling accent as a doorknob or an entire front door.

Part of the family now. Remember that pairing a bold color with other shades in the same color family can be as effective as accented or main color choices. Ultra Violet plays nice with other shades of purple like lavender and lilac. To soften Ultra Violet you can also pair with shades of blues and pinks.

Commanding a room. The beauty of Ultra Violet’s deep and rich, almost mysterious color is its ability to act as a color theme for an entire room. In the bed or bath, this shade of purple can create a relaxing and soothing mood when used on walls and with the right accents. Purple has always been a way to showcase a home’s originality in both theme and decoration. Ultra Violet is also particularly well suited to showcase any nuanced architectural highlights in your home like archways, vaulted ceilings, and unique wall designs.soap-lavender-items-for-bath-spa

Embrace it. Purple is a bold choice in any form. But it is a trend and direction to go all in on and embrace. Pantone’s annual color selection history has always set the tone (pun intended!) for every avenue of design. Your home is no different. If you’re like us, we think Ultra Violet is a new color scheme to be explored and fulfilled. It will pair well with so many of the other bold choices that are already part of your home. And most importantly, Ultra Violet can enhance and further the darker, rustic, and modern romantic color scheme started by your copper sink or tub.

We hope these design trends will help get you on the right path to your New Years Resolution Remodel for 2018. We’ve said it before, so we’ll say it again. 2018 is already looking good at your house!


If you have any additional questions during your search for the perfect copper sink or fireclay sink, our Sinkologists are here to help. Contact us or follow us on FacebookTwitterHouzzPinterest, or Instagram for more helpful tips and design ideas.