Top 5 Ways to Clear Bathroom Clutter

Longer days and slightly warmer temperatures have us feeling more motivated than ever to address some much needed de-cluttering. You too? Embrace that extra energy from those brief hints of spring and take care of the room that probably needs it the most: your bathroom.
This task is admittedly grimier than most, and not nearly as satisfying as refolding freshly washed clothes with the most pristine folds. But it is especially rewarding. As one of the smallest rooms in any home, your bathroom will feel instantly bigger just by following our best recommendations to clear your bathroom clutter.
But before you clear out, you have to clean up first. And we’re not talking about a quick midweek wipe-down. It’s time to get into the corners you ignore every other day. Remove everything from your bathroom and store on large, towel-covered countertops or tables as you clean.

Then, after the soap scum has been sprayed away and every countertop has been cleaned, only bring back in what you truly need. With all your bathroom products in one place, you’ll easily get a sense of the excess you’ve accumulated. Don’t get overwhelmed. Just take your de-cluttering one thing at a time.
1. Modernize your styling and grooming tools. Worn combs and brushes – and that curling set from the early 2000’s – are just collecting dust anyway. Be honest with yourself: when was the last time you actually used those? At the very least, the rust on old razors will definitely give you a definitive answer of whether they should stay or go.
2. Responsibly throw out expired medication. Check every expiration date – they’re there for a reason. The trash is your best bet as it’s not safe to flush pills down the toilet, as it risks contaminating our water supply. If you prefer to recycle, some pharmacies take back stronger medications.
3. Tidy up your toiletries. If you’re currently stashing half-empty bottles in your precious shower space, we get it. Maybe the formula didn’t work out as well for you as you’d hope. Maybe you don’t currently need it every day. Regardless of why you’re not using it, toss those spares. It’ll make every morning routine feel more like a spa experience. Just keep one container of each product you actually use to save you space now and cash later. Then, keep those non-expired alternatives in a bathroom cabinet or spare closet, only making even trades when necessary. Keep in mind, this tip goes for any sort of personal care product, including makeup, hair spray, and toothpaste. As you figure out which products should stay and which should be removed, remember that most products expire within 12 months opening.
4. Tidy up your toiletries. (Well, we warned you this wouldn’t be glamorous.) There’s no need to keep a lifetime supply of feminine products and toilet paper. Keep a week’s worth at the ready and the hide the rest away.
5.Trade out dingy, scratchy towels for softer alternatives that you look forward to wrapping yourself in after a hot shower. Be careful not to overload your bathroom with entire sets of fresh towels. We recommend you keep any spare towels out of the bathroom and in a separate linen closet when possible. Even your dirty, worn-out loofah could – and should – be upgraded rather inexpensively.

Try our five tips this weekend! By the end, you’ll feel even more energized, promise.
If you do, we want to know: what was the strangest thing you found while spring-cleaning your bathroom? Share your findings in the comments below.
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